sâmbătă, februarie 17

STEM Discovery week 2018


Last chance- preserving biodiversity for future generation

STEM Discovery Week 2018

  April 2018
People take different approaches when making the case for preserving biodiversity. Students will discuss the importance of maintaining ecosystems and will learn about the various arguments that people make in favor of preserving the Earth’s biodiversity.

During this day, students will:

-Follow photos of endangered species in different countries from -Europe and discuss the reasons why these plants and animals are threatened and why they should be protected,
- Use the words “biodiversity”, “ecosystem”, and “extinction” in sentences and they will demonstrate their understanding of the words through different way: mime, monologue, presentation,
- List the reasons why biodiversity should be preserved,
- Creating interactive maps with endangered species in our country,
- Write essays in which they explain what they feel are the most compelling reasons for preserving biodiversity,
- Create some campaigns  for also describe the arguments they think would be most likely to convince the general public that biodiversity should be preserved.

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